Thursday, February 28, 2013

Film Threat - Byod: Bring Your Own Doc ? Episode 75: Oscar ...

Guy Davidi has gone from being a largely unknown Israeli anarchist to Academy Award nominated director in a short time. His recent work, 5 Broken Cameras, was co-directed with Emad Burnat and offers an intensely up-close account of the ongoing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

Davidi illuminates the making of the film and his role as a gentle provocateur for Israel and the world.

Watch new episodes of BYOD live each week on Tuesdays at noon on TheLip.TV, or tune in for the archived replay starting here on the following Thursday.

BYOD is hosted by Ondi Timoner, director of ?DIG!,? ?JOIN US? and ?WE LIVE IN PUBLIC,? and has the rare distinction of winning the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance twice. Each week the show explores a different documentary filmmaker or aspect of filmmaking, with special guests and a live Q&A? diving deep into creative process and the business realities of producing and distributing films. Ondi shares her insider views, opinions, and personal stories, welcoming audience participation. BYOD aims to entertain, inform, and elevate documentaries in general by bringing attention to films and film makers that deserve exposure.

Guy Davidi is a documentary filmmaker and cinema teacher who has been directing, editing, and shooting films since the age of 16. Davidi has directed many short documentaries, such as In Working Progress, Keywords, and Women Defying Barriers. His first feature film, Interrupted Streams, premiered in 2010 at the Jerusalem International Film Festival.Five Broken Cameras?and each one has a powerful tale to tell. Embedded in the bullet-ridden remains of digital technology is the story of Emad Burnat, a farmer from the Palestinian village of Bil?in, which famously chose nonviolent resistance when the Israeli army encroached upon its land to make room for Jewish colonists. Emad buys his first camera in 2005 to document the birth of his fourth son, Gibreel. Over the course of the film, he becomes the peaceful archivist of an escalating struggle as olive trees are bulldozed, lives are lost, and a wall is built to segregate burgeoning Israeli settlements.

Gibreel?s loss of innocence and the destruction of each camera are potent metaphors in a deeply personal documentary that vividly portrays a conflict many of us think we know. Emad Burnat, a Palestinian, joins forces with Guy Davidi, an Israeli, and?from the wreckage of five broken cameras?two filmmakers create one extraordinary work of art.


00:01 Welcoming Guy Davidi (fresh from the Oscars).
02:10 Focusing a thousand hours of footage into a film with Emad.
06:20 Interrupted Streams and the interest in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
10:47 The machismo of Israeli society.
13:48 Five Broken Cameras, Clip.
18:03 Including personal moments in Five Broken Cameras.
22:00 Five Broken Cameras, Clip.
26:08 Editing the film and the narration.
28:34 The initial groundwork for making the Five Broken Cameras, In Working Progress.
30:31 In Working Progress, Clip.
32:13 Reaction to the film and creating a ?gentle discourse.?
38:26 Five Broken Cameras, Clip.
40:02 Hopes for the impact of the film.
44:37 Constructing the character of Emad from a real person.
48:00 Five Broken Cameras, Clip.
52:35 Final words on the Oscars, Searching For Sugarman and the ideal of modesty.

Posted on February 28, 2013 in Bring Your Own Doc, Features by Ondi Timoner

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Exclusive: Cyberattack leaves natural gas pipelines vulnerable to sabotage

A government report says a cyberattack against 23 natural gas pipeline operators stole crucial information that could compromise security. Experts strongly suspect China's military.

By Mark Clayton,?Staff writer / February 27, 2013

A yellow underground EnCana natural gas pipeline marker is seen along a road on State Forest Park Land in Kalkaska, Michigan, in 2012.

Rebecca Cook/Reuters/File


Cyberspies linked to China?s military targeted nearly two dozen US natural gas pipeline operators over a recent six-month period, stealing information that could be used to sabotage US gas pipelines, according to a restricted US government report and a source familiar with the government investigation.

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From December 2011 through June 2012, cyberspies targeted 23 gas pipeline companies with e-mails crafted to deceive key personnel into clicking on malicious links or file attachments that let the attackers slip into company networks, says the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report.

The report does not mention China, but the digital signatures of the attacks have been identified by independent cybersecurity researchers as belonging to a particular espionage group recently linked to China?s military.

The confluence of these factors ? ?along with the sensitive operational and technical details that were stolen ? make the cyberbreaches perhaps among the most serious so far, some experts say. The stolen information could give an adversary all the insider knowledge necessary to blow up not just a few compressor stations but perhaps many of them simultaneously, effectively holding the nation?s gas infrastructure hostage. Nearly 30 percent of the nation?s power grid now relies on natural gas generation.

?This theft of key information is about hearing the footsteps get closer and closer,? says William Rush, a retired scientist formerly with the Gas Technology Institute who chaired the effort to create a cybersecurity standard applicable to the gas pipeline industry.

?Anyone can blow up a gas pipeline with dynamite. But with this stolen information, if I wanted to blow up not one, but 1,000 compressor stations, I could,? he adds. ?I could put the attack vectors in place, let them sit there for years, and set them all off at the same time. I don?t have to worry about getting people physically in place to do the job, I just pull the trigger with one mouse click.?

The report comes at a time of growing US-China tensions over cyberespionage. President Obama called for tighter cybersecurity of critical US infrastructure in his State of the Union speech. This month, the White House also released an executive order that attempts to bolster cybersecurity among agencies that regulate electric utilities and other key industries. Congress, however, continues to resist legislation to mandate that such companies meet specific cybersecurity performance standards.

The attacks chronicled in the new DHS report were first reported in an exclusive Monitor article in May 2012, but the report offers confirmation, as well as further details and insights. Of the natural-gas pipeline operators targeted, 10 were infiltrated, another 10 cases are still being investigated, and three were ?near misses,? in which the companies narrowly avoided infiltration of their networks, according to the report, titled ?Active Cyber Campaigns Against the US Energy Sector? and compiled by DHS?s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT).

What was stolen

Sensitive files were stolen that could give a cyberintruder the ability to control, or alter the operation of the pipelines, including usernames, passwords, personnel lists, system manuals, and pipeline control system access credentials, the report says.

?The data exfiltrated could provide an adversary with the capability to access US [oil and natural gas industrial-control systems], including performing unauthorized operations,? the report concludes. The stolen files were part of a ?sophisticated attack shopping list.?


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Reports: Plan could end Kurdish conflict in Turkey

Ozan Kose / AFP - Getty Images

Hundreds of Turkish nationalists march in Istanbul Sunday to protest at the resumption of peace talks with Kurd rebels.

By Daren Butler, Reuters

ISTANBUL ? Jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan envisages the withdrawal of his fighters from Turkey by August under a draft peace plan sent to his group's leadership and Kurdish politicians, media reports said Wednesday.

Held in an island jail since his capture in 1999, Ocalan has been negotiating with Turkey's government since October over the outlines of a deal to end a conflict which has killed 40,000 people since his fighters took up arms in 1984.

Under the plan ? to which his Kurdistan Workers Party was expected to respond within two weeks ? the rebels would begin a formal ceasefire on March 21, the Kurdish New Year, said the Sabah and Star newspapers, which are close to the government.

They said the militants' withdrawal from Turkish territory was planned for completion by Aug. 15, the 29th anniversary of a conflict which has destabilized Turkey and held back development in its mainly Kurdish southeast.

The accuracy of the reports could not immediately be confirmed.

This timetable is dependent on Turkey passing reforms increasing the rights of a Kurdish minority numbering about 15 million - around 20 percent of Turkey's population of 76 million.

The newspaper reports said Ocalan's plan proposed maintaining Turkey's unitary structure, with no demand for Kurdish autonomy.

"Nobody should stand up and demand anything which is aimed at harming our national unity," Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told reporters late Tuesday.

"If they put down their weapons and leave our country there are many places in the world they can go," he said.

Kurdish cultural rights boosted
During his decade in power, Erdogan has pushed through reforms boosting Kurdish cultural rights but Kurdish politicians seek wider political reforms, including a new constitution boosting equality and increased Kurdish language education.

The PKK took up arms in 1984 with the aim of carving out a Kurdish state, but subsequently moderated its goal to limited self-rule. It is designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and European Union.

The militants have pledged allegiance to Ocalan but voiced caution about the prospects of rapid progress towards a deal, criticizing continued military operations in southeast Turkey and northern Iraq, where thousands of the militants are based.

Among initial steps proposed under the process, the PKK could release more than a dozen Turkish security forces personnel that it is holding captive.

However, senior PKK commander Duran Kalkan said any such release would depend on what steps Turkey takes.

"Nobody should expect this from us unilaterally," Kalkan said in an interview with the PKK-linked Firat news agency.

In talks with Kurdish politicians at the weekend, Ocalan warned Turkey could become as troubled as Syria or Iraq if steps were not taken to end the insurgency.


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Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why have white storks stopped migrating?

Feb. 27, 2013 ? A new project to find out why storks are changing their migratory patterns has been launched by the University of East Anglia. In folklore, storks' strong white wings would carry babies to parents around the world. But since the mid 1980s increasing numbers of storks have stopped their annual migration from Northern Europe to Africa for the winter.

Instead, many are living in Spain and Portugal the whole year round -- feeding on 'junk food' from rubbish dumps.

The project will track 15 adult white storks for a year using GPS loggers to investigate why they have changed their migratory behaviour. Researchers will investigate the link between climate change and feeding habits to predict future distribution of the species.

The birds have been caught in Portugal and tagged with loggers which will transmit five positions every day. This data will allow researchers to track the storks' movement between roosting and feeding areas and detect long and short distance flights.

Each tracker will also collect information about how much time the birds spend with their heads down, foraging for food.

Dr Aldina Franco, from UEA's school of Environmental Sciences, is leading the project.

She said: "These birds have changed their behaviour very radically. The number of storks spending their winter in Portugal has increased hugely from around 1,180 birds in 1995 to more than 10,000 in 2008 and numbers continue to grow."

"We know that instead of migrating to Africa for the winter, the storks feed on rubbish dumps which provide an abundant and reliable food supply. They're a very opportunistic and adaptable species so the availability of this 'junk food', is a likely cause. By tracing their movements, we will look at how important these rubbish dumps are for white storks in the wintering and breeding season.

"They are also breeding in new areas in the north of the country -- and we think this may be because the climate has changed to become more suitable for them. So climate change is another likely factor.

"Some birds seem to move much more than others and some use rubbish dumps more frequently than others. We will watch to see if they all decide to breed in Portugal or if some will leave Portugal to breed elsewhere in Europe."

Because the data will be transmitted through GSM or mobile phone technology, the scientists will be able to track the storks' movements while sitting comfortably in their offices at UEA.

"With so many migrants in decline, trying to understand how and why they are staying in one place is an important step forward in trying to understand what their long term future may be.

Nathalie Gilbert is a PhD student working on this project and she is interested in understanding the effects of landfill sites on the white stork's productivity and distribution.

She said: "Landfill sites in Portugal are scheduled to be gradually replaced by new facilities where food waste is handled under cover. This will cause a problem for the storks as they will have to find an alternative winter food supply. It may well impact on their distribution, breeding location, chick fledging success and migratory decisions."

The research is being carried out in collaboration with Dr Phil Atkinson from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and researchers in Portugal. It is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the BTO, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technologies ( Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia).

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Monarchs by the million flock to Mexico's drug country

ZITACUARO, Mexico (AP) ? He found the love of his life 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) from home in a chance encounter that gave him butterflies, and she moved west to be with him. So of course, Jason Skipton told me, there could be no better place to propose marriage than in a swirl of orange and black butterflies that had migrated thousands of miles (kilometers) to mate.

Never mind that that the stunning monarch butterfly sanctuary was in an area of central Mexico contested by drug cartels. When Samantha Goldberger set up her camera and darted to Skipton's side for a Valentine's Day picture, he dropped to one knee and asked for her hand.

"This place is like a miracle. And it is a miraculous thing that took place with us," Skipton said. "No one knows why the monarchs travel so far, or come here to find each other. It is inexplicable."

Indeed, every year, millions of monarchs migrate from the eastern United States and Canada to central Mexico, a journey of 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) and more into a wooded land under attack by loggers in a region bloodied by drug traffickers. The tiger-striped butterflies arrive in late October and early November to hibernate in fir trees, clinging together like great clusters of fall leaves. Come February, they start to awaken in the warm sun, turn glittering somersaults in search of their mates, and begin to couple.

I had long wanted to see this magical sight, and to hear the delicate music the butterflies make with the fluttering of their wings. As I boarded the bus from Mexico City to Michoacan with my husband and a friend, I wondered what tourists we might encounter in a place both beautiful and beastly. Who had the appetite for travel to central Mexico after the U.S. government warned against non-essential travel to most of the state of Michoacan, where we were headed?

There didn't appear to be other foreigners making the bus trip, a two-hour ride out the Toluca highway and along winding country roads as a subtitled version of the movie "Abduction" aired on TV screens overhead. Our hosts and hoteliers, Pablo and Lisette Span, had told us to buy a ticket at the taxi stand in the Zitacuaro bus station for the 10-minute ride to their Rancho San Cayetano. We did, arriving safe and sound.

Friends told us San Cayetano was one of the nicest and most charming places to stay in butterfly country. It's also one of the priciest, but the manicured grounds are lush and the rooms are cozy, each with a fireplace and woodpile ready to light at night. Although there are individual dining tables, guests naturally mingle and chat so that dinners and breakfasts become rather communal affairs. Pablo Span ate with us the first night and, in his gentlemanly way, tried to set us straight on the violence in Michoacan.

"Around the world, Mexico is synonymous with violence. But the violence is between the cartels fighting each other over territory, or between the cartels and the police and military. It's not against us. Not a single national or foreign tourist has died in the violence," he said.

The U.S. travel advisory makes a similar point that "attacks on Mexican government officials, law enforcement and military personnel ... have occurred throughout Michoacan."

Added Span: "The reality is ? touch wood ? we live exactly as we always have."

Touch wood? Really, that's our security policy?

But like Skipton and Goldberger, the guests we met were not only unfazed by the warnings, they were utterly captivated by the landscape. Another visiting couple, Michael Marez and Grace Buckley of Denver, Colorado, own a vacation house in Mazatlan, have been travelling throughout Mexico for years, and see no reason to stop now. They appeared to subscribe to the idea that violence is relative, noting that more than 1,700 people had been shot to death in the United States since the Newtown school massacre.

"People in the United States are desensitized to what happens in the United States and think what happens in Mexico is so much worse," said Marez. "We hope to avoid being collateral damage anywhere."

"You pay attention," added Buckley. "Sure Mexico has problems. They're sad and awful. But it's a wonderful country."

Rounding out the foreign crowd was a group of Intel employees and their families up from Mexico City. So it seemed the tourist pool, in this corner of Michoacan at least, was made up of expats, old Mexico hands, and hardy adventurers who consider witnessing the miracle of the monarch butterfly migration essential travel. (Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, also made the pilgrimage to see butterflies that weekend, but to the Piedra Herrada sanctuary near Valle de Bravo, in the state of Mexico.)

We opted to go to the reserve closest to San Cayetano called El Capulin, which technically is across the border from Michoacan in the state of Mexico. It is about half an hour's car ride from the hotel to the stables, where we rented some pretty scrawny horses and hired guides for the 1 ? hour trek uphill to the reserve at a place called Cerro Pelon. It was a rocky, dusty trip and there apparently are easier trails to the Sierra Chincua and the larger El Rosario sanctuaries in Michoacan, but it was well worth the saddle pain.

For here in the forest, I learned the great mystery of the monarchs, which is this: Most monarchs live only four or five weeks, but the generations that make the long migratory journey to Mexico live four or five months. They breed, the females lay their eggs on the road north, and die along with the males. Then, a year and five butterfly generations later, their descendants rely on some kind of instinctive GPS system to migrate south again, returning to exactly the same forest in central Mexico.

How cool is that?

Experts say the numbers of monarchs have been dwindling in recent years thanks to logging, insecticide use and other environmental pressures. We encountered a team of scientists from the World Wildlife Fund of Mexico and the Universities of Georgia and Wisconsin testing butterflies for parasites that attach themselves to the wings like excess baggage and drag the insects down. They found the ophryocystis elektroscirrha parasites on about 10 percent of the butterflies, which only weigh about a half-gram to begin with.

And yet, there are millions of them, flying, diving, sucking nectar from yellow and purple wildflowers, and seeking, like Skipton and Goldberger, the mates of their lives.

Recalling his romantic proposal, Goldberger said she remembers running to Skipton for the picture when "all of the sudden he was down on one knee." It took her a moment to realize what was happening. "It was incredible," she said.

And what did she respond?



If You Go...

BUTTERFLY MIGRATION IN MICHOACAN, MEXICO: Butterfly reserves are open mid-November through March. UNESCO World Heritage site: Reserves include El Capulin, over the border from the state of Michoacan to the state of Mexico. Entry fee at El Capulin, 35 pesos ($2.75). Horseback riding, 200 pesos ($16.50) and fee for guide, 200 pesos ($16.50) plus tip.

RANCHO SAN CAYETANO: Zitacuaro, Michoacan, Nightly rates, $130 plus 18 percent tax. Can be paid in dollars or pesos but quoted in dollars. Dinner at San Cayetano, 350 pesos ($27.45) plus 15 percent tip. Breakfast, 170 pesos ($13.30) plus 15 percent tip. They also will arrange box lunch tours to the sanctuaries.

GETTING THERE: Two-hour bus ride from Mexico City to Zitacuaro, Michoacan, on La Linea, 170 pesos ($13.30). Taxi from bus station to lodging, 35 pesos ($2.75).


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sony shipping NEX-3N and Alpha A58 to the US in April

Sony shipping NEX3N and Alpha A58 to the US in April

Sony may have teased American photographers by launching the NEX-3N and Alpha A58 in Europe, but it's not cruel: both interchangeable lens cameras are coming to the US this April. The NEX-3N will cost a relatively frugal $500 when bundled with the camera's signature motorized, 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 lens. Venturing into DSLR territory with the Alpha A58 will cost an only somewhat dearer $600 when paired with a refreshed 18-55mm, f/3.5-5.6 kit lens that's quieter and less error-prone than its ancestor.

Both A- and E-mount cameras will also be getting a similar raft of accessories for the US unveiling. An RM-VPR1 remote commander comes in April for $65, while a compact HVL-F20M flash is due in May for $150. A-series photographers will have no shortage of lenses to choose from -- they'll get cracks at both a stand-alone version of the 18-55mm lens and a new 50mm f/1.4 prime in May for respective prices of $220 and $1,500, while a 70-400mm f/4-5.6 telephoto zoom is coming in July for an eye-watering $2,200.

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Source: Sony (NEX), (Alpha)


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Nike launches its first 3D-printed football cleat, Ryan Fitzpatrick will be pleased


While we're still giddy at the idea of printing our own phone case, Nike's gone more than a few steps further with its latest innovation. The Swoosh has managed to 3D print the base plate of its latest football cleat, the Vapor Laser Talon. The boot was created using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), which uses high-powered lasers to fuse pieces of plastic together, rather than the more basic methods we've seen in the Makerbot. Not only did SLS enable the company to produce a shoe that would otherwise be impossible with traditional manufacturing techniques, but it was also hammered-out in a fraction of the time. There's no line on when we'll be able to pick one up (or how much it'll cost you), but we imagine you'll pay a premium for that extra bit of speed.

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Source: Nike


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Microsoft and Toyota Team Up for Improved Racing Performance

We?ve already told you that Toyota and Microsoft partnered to create a Windows 8 application, but the two companies are now ready to use the software in real life.

The Trackside app is being used on a Surface Pro to collect performance data in real time and to share stats with both the crew and the driver.

This would allow engineers to fine-tune the car for enhanced performance, Microsoft said in a press statement.

?Trackside running on Surface Pro means more time is spent on the track and less time is spent talking,? said Steve Wickham, TRD?s vice president of chassis operations.

?Teams are back on the track faster, allowing them more time to determine the optimum setup for the race car. Our mission is to take advantage of the latest innovation in technology to quickly get better data ? which translates into faster cars on the track.?

More information on the Trackside app development, but also on TRD?s own view on Windows 8 can be found in our interview with the team available here.


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Are Spending Cuts Good Politics? - Chris Edwards - Townhall ...

Grover Cleveland says ?yes.?

Calvin Coolidge says ?yes.?

Chris Edwards says ?yes.? From Downsizing the Federal Government:?

Another myth is that policymakers cannot make budget cuts without a backlash from voters. Yet reform efforts in the 1990s did not lead to a voter rebuke. In 1996, the Republicans were denounced viciously when they were reforming welfare. But they stuck together and succeeded, and today the achievement is widely hailed. Also in the 1990s, the Republicans proposed reductions to many sensitive programs including Medicare, Medicaid, education, housing, and farm subsidies. In their budget plan for 1996, House Republicans voted to abolish more than 200 programs including whole departments and agencies.?

Chris Edwards

Chris Edwards

Chris Edwards is the director of tax policy studies at the Cato Institute, and editor of Before joining Cato, Edwards was a senior economist on the congressional Joint Economic Committee, a manager with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and an economist with the Tax Foundation.

Be the first to read Chris Edwards? column. Sign up today and receive delivered each morning to your inbox.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rush Limbaugh: Ashamed of America!


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Egypt opposition leader calls for election boycott

CAIRO (AP) ? A key opposition leader called Saturday for a boycott of upcoming parliamentary elections, saying he will not take part in a "sham democracy."

President Mohammed Morsi's Islamist party, the Muslim Brotherhood, shot back that the opposition was running away from the challenge and wants power without contesting elections.

The exchange reflected a new escalation in political tensions that could spill into even wider strikes and protests ahead of a four-stage vote set to begin on April 28 and last until June. Morsi announced the elections late Thursday night.

"(I) called for parliamentary election boycott in 2010 to expose sham democracy. Today I repeat my call, will not be part of an act of deception," Nobel laureate Mohammed ElBaradei, who leads the main opposition National Salvation Front, wrote on his Twitter account.

He reiterated the opposition's refrain that Morsi, who was elected in a free and fair vote, is acting like former autocratic leader Hosni Mubarak.

Almost immediately after ElBaradei's call, rifts began appearing in the opposition which has struggled to unite since it led the successful uprising two years ago that ousted Mubarak.

Some activists criticized the boycott call, saying it would alienate the masses and allow the Islamists to maintain their domination of parliament.

The Brotherhood has emerged from the uprising as Egypt's most powerful political group, winning both parliamentary and presidential elections.

The deputy head of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, Essam el-Erian, responded to ElBaradei's call on his Facebook page saying "running away from a popular test only means that some want to assume executive authority without a democratic mandate."

"We've never yet known them to face any election or serious test," he said of the opposition leaders.

In Egypt's first free elections in 2011, the Brotherhood won nearly half of seats in parliament and the more conservative Salafis won a quarter, making the two Islamist groups dominant.

Liberal and secular parties have trailed significantly in all elections since Mubarak was toppled. Their outreach across Egypt, while growing, is still dwarfed by the Islamists' well organized network of charities and programs that assist the poor.

Nearly half of Egypt's 85 million people live below the poverty line, subsisting on less than $2 per day.

Blogger and commentator Mahmoud Salem, a longtime activist who protested against Mubarak and now opposes Morsi, said he disagreed with boycott calls because it offers no real alternative to the current political impasse.

"Where's ElBaradei's party, its plan, its economic vision? Let's say a boycott is the right answer. What will they do so that they can be competitive in the next election?" Salem said.

He said that ElBaradei is also partly calling for a boycott of the vote because the opposition has been unable to win a significant number of seats.

"In reality, it will end up as a parliament composed of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, or members of the ex-regime," he said.

The opposition has accused Morsi and his Brotherhood backers of using election wins to monopolize power in tactics similar to the former regime. They accuse him of reneging on a promise to form an inclusive government representative of the Christian minority, women, and liberals.

Elections under Mubarak's three-decade rule were widely rigged and the chamber was dominated by members of his ruling party.

The state-run MENA news agency reported that the president is studying changing the starting of date of elections following an outcry by Coptic Christians in Egypt.

The first phase coincides with Palm Sunday and Easter for Egypt's minority Christians, who tend to travel during the holidays and have consistently voted against the Muslim Brotherhood.

ElBaradei's opposition coalition, which was only formed late last year, had warned for weeks it could boycott parliamentary elections if certain conditions were not met first.

The NSF said it wants a real national dialogue that leads to the formation of a national unity government, changes to the new constitution and stability.

On the second anniversary of the Jan. 25 uprising this year, anger spilled out onto the streets and violence again engulfed the nation.

About 70 people died in a wave of protests, clashes and riots in the past four weeks, and more than half were killed in the city of Suez Canal city of Port Said alone.

The lower house of parliament, which drafts laws in Egypt, was disbanded on June 14, 2012 after the Supreme Constitutional Court ruled that a third of the chamber's members were elected illegally. The upcoming elections are aimed at reinstating the legislature.

Former lawmaker Mostafa al-Naggar, a centrist who beat an ultraconservative, popular Salafi candidate in 2011, said calls for a boycott will be ineffective unless there is unity among the opposition. He said mixed messages will confuse voters and push people away.

He wrote on Twitter that "the decision to boycott the next elections is extremely dangerous because it will clear the arena for the ruling party and its allies to dominate the legislative and executive authorities."

Morsi's supporters say that delaying elections, protesting and boycotting after years of autocracy under Mubarak is affecting Egypt's ability to lure foreign investors and tourists again.

The political unrest has hit Egypt's foreign currency reserves, which have fallen below a critical level to less than $14 billion.

Meanwhile, many residents of the city of Port Said blame Morsi's policies for the turmoil.

A civil disobedience campaign in the city started a week ago.

More than 1,000 people, including hundreds of employees of the Suez Canal Authority, protested Saturday outside one of the vital waterway administration's gates. Shipping in the international waterway has not been affected.

The protesters are demanding retribution for those killed during unrest in the city and for officials to be on trial. On Friday, around 15,000 protested against Morsi and hung effigies of him in the main square there.

There have also been near daily protests in Cairo and in the textile producing city of Mahalla.

Since Morsi's election win as Egypt's first civilian and Islamist president last summer, his popularity has eroded.

Thousands took to the streets in December when he issued power-grabbing decrees temporarily that allowed his supporters to rush a draft constitution to a nationwide vote before a high court packed with Mubarak appointees could disband the process.

It passed with 64 percent amid low turnout and a boycott by thousands of overseeing judges.


Amir Makar in Cairo and Mosaad el-Gohary in Port Said contributed to this story.


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Sony Real-time search results for Sonyen-usSat, 23 Feb 2013 00:27:16 GMTReal-Time Search Powered by FeedRank? 1440Sony Becomes Top Olympus Shareholder <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /> ...</p>, 23 Feb 2013 00:24:05 GMTSony on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, The Last Guardian and Agent <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /> ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 21:53:44 GMTSony made ?wise engineering choices?, according to John Carmack <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />He looks just a bit older now. id Software designer (and man behind much of what we love about Doom and Wolfenstein) John Carmack has said that the PS4 is a well put together piece of tech, and that <b>Sony</b> made quality choices when it came to designing something that would likely be easy to [...] ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 21:30:06 GMTSony unveils PlayStation 4 in bid to revive video-game sales <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><b>Sony</b> unveiled the PlayStation 4, its first video-game console in seven years, introducing new cloud and social-media features as chief executive Kazuo Hirai seeks to reignite sales. ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 21:12:39 GMTSony Xperia Z Review By <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />The <b>Sony</b> Xperia Z may be pretty big, attract dust like mad, and have poor battery life, but it?s a still a highly desirable superphone. ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 20:52:50 GMTSony Cyber-shot DSC-W650 16MP 5x Digital Camera for $80 + free shipping <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="125" & height="89" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />B&H Photo-Video offers the <b>Sony</b> Cyber-shot DSC-W650 16.1-Megapixel Digital Camera in Black for $79.95 with free shipping . That?s $19 under our mention from a week ago and the lowest total price we could find by $8. It features a Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar 5x optical zoom lens, 3? LCD, 720p movie capture at 30fps, optical image stabilization, face detection, SDHC card slot, and more. Filed under: Deals Tagged: Digital Cameras ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 20:01:20 GMTBrett Fisher: Inside PlayStation 4 On Wednesday, Sony held a conference call to... <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />Brett Fisher: Inside PlayStation 4 On Wednesday, <b>Sony</b> held a conference call to talk up its new, eighth-generation gaming console, the PlayStation 4. I had written a column on the eighth generation one day prior to the conference. Now, I will be ? Brett Fisher: Inside PlayStation 4 ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 19:15:00 GMTAnatomy of an Oscar nomination: Sony Classics? Tom Bernard on ?Searching for Sugar Man? <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="*100.jpg?v=1" & width="100" & height="82" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />?Argo?s? winning streak leading up to Sunday?s Academy Awards may be hogging all the headlines, but there?s another picture that?s on a prize spree as well, taking home top honors from BAFTA, the PGA, the DGA, the WGA and several other acronymic organizations. ?Searching for Sugar Man? has captured the imaginations of viewers and voters alike ever since its debut at the Sundance Film Festival last year, where it won both the audience and special jury awards in the World Cinema?Documentary? ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 19:14:20 GMTNews: Sony Flexible on PlayStation 4 Cost <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="134" & height="78" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Sony</b> is making a significant leap forward with the underlying technology in the PlayStation 4, but according to <b>Sony</b> Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida, it isn't limiting the company's ability to be nimble in terms of the console's cost. Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 593 views | 0 comments Click here to watch the video (01:26) Submitted By: IGN Tags: IGN ? News ? Ign-news ? Breaking-news ? <b>Sony</b> ? PlayStation ? Playstation-4 ? Ps4 ? Price ? Cost ? Flexible ? Categories: Video Games ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 19:05:57 GMTSony bringing their new PlayStation app to Android and iOS devices <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="125" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />The other day, right, <b>Sony</b> finally got round to unveiling the oft-rumoured but basically inevitable PlayStation 4. Well, sort of; they announced it, and showed off the new controller, but they didn?t actually give the public glimpses of the new console itself . What they did show off, though, was Remote Play, whereby one can link up a PlayStation Vita to the new console, and use that to play one?s game (while the video output streams to the Vita itself). They call it the Second Screen experience. <b>Sony</b> also promised that they?d be bringing the PlayStation Network to other devices, and now (according to Engadget ) they?re on their way to making that happen, because they?ve announced PlayStation apps for Android and iOS? I?m presuming that means it?ll be separate to the PlayStation app that already exists on Android phones, or rather, on specific Android phones that <b>Sony</b>?s certified to use it (and no, it?s not just <b>Sony</b> phones; some HTC phones are PlayStation-certified, as well). I?m guessing it has to be a separate app, partly because it?s coming to iOS as well, but mainly because the existing app in no way has that Second Screen functionality. It?s basically just a store for <b>Sony</b>?s Android-compatible games. But this new app? imagine if you had a PS4 and something like an iPhone 5 or a Samsung Galaxy S3 , for example; at the very least, you?d be able to browse your PS4?s media content on your phone. <b>Sony</b> hasn?t said whether you?d u ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 18:44:17 GMTSony making indie development for PS4 easier <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="150" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Sony</b> is making ease of use for game developers a huge priority for the PlayStation 4--both for the AAA titles and smaller indie games. Speaking with Gamasutra, <b>Sony</b> Computer Entertainment World Wide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida was asked if the PS4 needed indie game developers, to which he responded, "...we want them to be on our platform. You said we need, but it's more like we want." "We believe in smaller developers. They are very creative and they go out of the norm to do something really amazing. So we really want to make it easier for them to come to our platform and publish." While not revealing the explicit price of a PS4 development kit, Yoshida explains the cost ... ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 18:28:07 GMTSony?s patents for a 35mm f/1.8 full frame E-mount lens, fast 24mm mirrorless lens <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="256" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Sony</b> filed a patent application ( 2013-37081 ) in Japan for a 35mm f/1.8 full frame E-mount lens. Another patent (2013-37080) describes a new 24mm f/1.8 and 24mm f/2.2 lenses for mirrorless APS-C based cameras. 24mm f/18 lens: Focal length: 23.28 Fno: 1.85 Half angle of view: 30.86? Image height: 14.2mm Lens design: 8 elements in 7 groups, 2 aspherical elements 24mm f/2.2 lens: Focal length: 23.28 Fno: 2.23 Half angle of view: 30.64? Image height: 14.2mm Lens design: 8 elements in 7 groups, 3 aspherical elements 35mm f/1.8 lens: Focal length: 35.81 Fno: 1.85 Half angle of view: 30.78? Image height: 21.6mm Lens design: 8 elements in 7 groups, 2 aspherical, 1 ED elements Posted by This RSS feed is copyrighted and cannot be republished in any way without permission. Follow PhotoRumors on Facebook and Twitter . Related posts: Pentax 12-24mm f/3.5-4.5 lens patent The latest patents from Olympus and Canon <b>Sony</b> 50mm f/1.2 and f/1.4 lens patents ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 18:22:02 GMTMicrosoft reportedly to debut next generation Xbox in April after being caught ?off-guard? by Sony <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="71" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Microsoft could be looking to hold an event in April where it will debut its next generation Xbox game console, if reports are correct. According to CVG , a growing number of developers and industry professionals have knowledge that an event is planned with a senior <b>Sony</b> official saying that Microsoft had been caught ?off-guard? because of <b>Sony</b>?s PlayStation 4 announcement earlier this week. As of today, Ustechs, a Microsoft partner, has apparently registered the domain ? at this time, nothing will show up when you go to the site. The new Xbox game console is believed to be called the Xbox 720 and was originally supposed to be unveiled at this year?s E3 convention. Obviously with the unveiling of the PlayStation 4 (or at least its accessories and partners), Microsoft decided to move up its timeline. One thing that we could probably expect to see from the company that could rival <b>Sony</b> is the appearance of an actual product . In January, Microsoft?s Major Nelson posted a countdown clock to E3 which helped spark speculation that the Xbox 720 would be close to making its first appearance. As TNW?s Alex Wilhelm noted then, the Xbox had dropped off Microsoft?s radar during the launches of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, but now it?s time to revive the product and modernize it ? after all, it?s more than seven years old and has sold more than 70 million units. Photo credit: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:58:14 GMTSony unveils PS4, but not what it will look like <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />DERRIK J. LANG NEW YORK -- <b>Sony</b> showed off what the PlayStation 4 can do, but not what it will look like. ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:46:02 GMTSony: PS4 "caught Microsoft off-guard"; next Xbox to get early April ? <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />An unnamed <b>Sony</b> executive is quoted as saying that the PlayStation 4 reveal this week ?caught Microsoft off-guard,? while new rumors claim Microsoft will reveal the ?next Xbox ? in early April. Continue Reading: <b>Sony</b>: PS4 "caught Microsoft off-guard"; next Xbox to get early April ? ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:42:25 GMTWhat this week's PlayStation Meeting says about Sony's PS4 battleplan: http://bi...;set=a.310474292341723.92859.112091538846667&amp;type=1 <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br /><img src="" & width="130" & height="72" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />What this week's PlayStation Meeting says about <b>Sony</b>'s PS4 battleplan: ...</p>;set=a.310474292341723.92859.112091538846667&amp;type=1Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:34:26 GMTPlaystation 4 avr? un prezzo competitivo secondo Sony - <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />Playstation 4 avr? un prezzo competitivo secondo <b>Sony</b> - ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:15:47 GMTWIN one of FIVE Xperia™ Z from Sony smartphones @ Stuff.tv <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />Found by pjj1805 The Xperia™ Z from <b>Sony</b> is the smartphone that has taken the next great leap: large screen, thin body; elegant design yet water- and dust-resistant. It is a special bit of kit. It has become Stuff's favourite new smartphone receiving a five-star rating in the March issue, impressing with battery life, a stunning 5in 1080p screen and that you really can use it in the shower. And we've got five to give away. Stuff and Xperia™ Z from <b>Sony</b> have produced a short series of videos: '8 things to do with the new Xperia™ Z smartphone.' For your chance to win, watch the videos then correctly answer the question below. Question: In which cafe do the Stuff couple first share their experiences? Answer : The Nearest cafe Completion message : Thank you for entering the competition! ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:13:01 GMTSony PS4: Gaming For The iGeneration <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />By: Adam Taylor - <b>Sony</b> revealed the PlayStation 4 on Wednesday night, where they announced that it would be released in time for Christmas and where they showed off some of the features of its next generation flagship system, including Dualshock 4 controllers, cloud gaming and social media integration. Since then the reception has been varied. ? Continue reading ? ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:12:28 GMTSony se disculpa por la ausencia de The Last Guardian en la PlayStation Meeting <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Friday, February 22, 2013</font><br />Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los grandes ausentes durante la conferencia de <b>Sony</b> el pasado mi?rcoles fue The Last Guardian, juego que fue presentado en 2009 y del cual se han revelado pocos datos hasta la fecha. De hecho, la ?ltima informaci?n que les compartimos sobre esta entrega de Team Ico fue que Fumito Ueda continuaba siendo parte importante de su desarrollo, y que, seg?n rumores, se hab?a saltado la PlayStation 3 para llegar directamente a la nueva consola de la compa??a. Precisamente fue este ?ltimo rumor el que hizo especular a varios sobre su posible aparici?n en el evento dedicado a la revelaci?n de la nueva integrante, pero eso nunca sucedi?. Al respecto, Shuhei Yoshida, presidente de <b>Sony</b> Worldwide Studios, pidi? disculpas a todos los espectadores que se quedaron con las ganas de ver algo nuevo del juego, y asegur? que est?n esperando el momento preciso (cualquier cosa que eso signifique) para develar m?s informaci?n. ?Me disculpo con las personas que estaban esperando el juego. Ueda-san public? recientemente que a?n est? trabajando en el juego en la direcci?n creativa, y el equipo de Jap?n est? trabajando muy duro. Estamos aguardando por el momento ideal para re introducir a The Last Guardian? . Sobre si el juego formar?a parte de la plantilla de la PlayStation 4 en alg?n futuro cercano, el directivo acot? que tendremos m?s palabras sobre esto en cuanto les sea posible compartirlas, sin desmentir o ratificar los rumore ...</p>, 22 Feb 2013 17:00:41 GMT


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

94% Barbara

All Critics (52) | Top Critics (15) | Fresh (49) | Rotten (3)

Hoss is fantastic. Barbara is ice cold at the start, understandably so. Yet Hoss makes her sympathetic.

[Leaves] you drained and horrified.

Sometimes, the sun shines and the wind blows fresh and the very elements that make for intense hardship also open a window on intense joy.

Hoss is mesmerizing as a woman who holds it all together to the point of losing herself.

It's one terrific film, as smart, thoughtful and emotionally involving as just about anything that's out there.

It's a quiet film built of careful details.

Hoss' outstanding performance is a deep well of subtle yet unmistakable motives and reactions.

A crafty filmmaker, Petzold gives us information in increments. During the first half of his movie, which he co-wrote, we are all but left to our own devices; yet it is fascinating, and appropriate.

Worth seeing ... both for Petzold's singular aesthetic and for Hoss, who as usual is a riveting presence.

A well-observed, compelling, and evocative character piece, haunted by the ghosts of Germany's recent past.

Feels like total immersion into the sights, stresses, and the subtle solidarity among middle-class professionals living in the workers' paradise that Petzold's parents fled.

[R]esides somewhere in an unsatisfying borderland between drama and thriller, never quite catching fire as either...

A superbly crafted low-boil drama that gets its hooks into you the old-fashioned way, through character, and highlights the difficulties and cost of living by principles.

Subtly intriguing and ambiguous, it's filled with suspicion and subterfuge.

Despite the limited scope of its predictable narrative, "Barbara" remains a compelling character study thanks to Nina Hoss's enigmatic performance in the title role.

Christian Petzold's latest thriller threatens to cross over the line from minimalism to nihilism.

Both insightful and poignant, but not intriguing character study set against the backdrop of a dark time in history.

The plotting, the planning and the deepening relationships don't make for kinetic action, but they are the foundation for a smart, engrossing film.

No quotes approved yet for Barbara. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Liberal Watchdog Group: 'Fix The Debt' Movement More Astroturf Than Grassroots

The liberal watchdog group Center for Media and Democracy says Fix The Debt ? a key unit in philanthropist Pete Peterson's corps of organizations to battle the national debt ? is a pro-business effort masquerading as a grassroots movement.

In a conference call with reporters Friday, CMD director Lisa Graves called Fix The Debt "an Astroturf supergroup that is exceedingly well funded." The term "Astroturf" refers to groups that appear to be citizen-organized, but actually have their roots at consultants' offices inside the Capital Beltway.

A spokesman for Fix The Debt hotly denies the charge. Jon Romano said CMD got some of its facts wrong, adding, "It is unfortunate that some would rather cast aspersions and misrepresent this view than engage in a constructive conversation about tackling this very real problem. Demagoguing does nothing to protect the most vulnerable."

Fix The Debt is promoting a citizens' petition, with 346,000 names. CMD, which last year used leaked documents to report on the secretive American Legislative Exchange Council, traced the corporate ties and lobbying records of Fix The Debt leaders.

Among the co-founders, co-chairs and steering committee ? 13 people in all ? it found six who sit on corporate boards, including GE, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley; advisers to Goldman Sachs and the private equity firm KKR; and lobbyists for KKR, the Private Equity Growth Capital Council and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Fix The Debt also has two well-populated advisory groups: a CEO Council with about 90 members, and a Business Leaders Council of about 40.

"They really are posturing as a grassroots movement," says Graves. "They are putting forward this notion of these business leaders not as job creators, but as problem solvers on the economy ? when in fact the record shows that a lot of these companies are actively lobbying to keep tax loopholes open" and to promote other corporation-friendly policies.

CMD's analysis also appears in The Nation, in a package of stories on Peterson's long-running effort to move the national debt to the top of Washington's agenda.


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Man sought in attempted kidnap of 2 Calif. girls

WHITTIER, Calif. (AP) ? An 11-year-old girl walking alone near a Southern California park was grabbed by a man and shoved into the back seat of a car where a sobbing 7-year-old was already being held, investigators said Friday.

The young girls were apparently the target of the same man prowling Whittier neighborhood parks for young victims earlier this month.

The older girl, accosted Thursday afternoon, managed to get out of the car and free the 7-year-old and both girls ran in different directions to escape the suspect, Officer Brad White said.

The 11-year-old ran from Founders Park and called police when she got home. The identity and whereabouts of the younger girl are unknown.

"We have not received any information on the 7-year-old," White said, adding there are no reports of missing children in the suburb 20 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles.

The girls do not know each other and the 11-year-old wasn't hurt.

Extra police were on duty Friday in the hunt for the suspect in a red convertible with a tan top. He was described as a 25- to 35-year-old, Hispanic, about 6 feet tall with a medium to heavy build. School superintendents have also been alerted.

The 11-year-old girl said he had short black hair with three dots tattooed on his left hand.

"It is very unusual for Whittier," White said. "We're taking it very seriously. We are following any leads we have."

The same man approached three teenage girls earlier this month, authorities said.

Just before noon on Feb. 5, a man matching the same description and driving a red convertible pulled up to a 17-year-old girl walking near Broadway Park and asked her if she wanted a ride.

"After the victim told him no, he proceeded to stop the car and open the door," Lt. Kent Miller said in a statement. "The female fled and called the police."

About five hours later, a witness called police and said two teenage girls near Central Park were arguing with a man who had ordered them into his red convertible, White said.

The suspect drove away and the girls left on foot.

White said the witness didn't know the teen girls, and they didn't call police.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

RIAA stamps its feet, demands Google do more to stop piracy

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Doug" (24), and I (22) have been in a long-distance relationship for a year, but we were friends for a couple of years before that. I had never had a serious relationship before and lacked experience. Doug has not only been in two other long-term relationships, but has had sex with more than 15 women. One of them is an amateur porn actress.I knew about this, but it didn't bother me until recently. Doug had a party, and while he was drunk he told one of his buddies -- in front of me -- that he should watch a certain porn film starring his ex-girlfriend. ...


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Clues to 100-year-old meteor mystery found

University of Toronto Archives/Natalie McMinn

This painting by artist and amateur astronomer Gustav Hahn depicts the meteor procession of Feb. 9, 1913, as seen in High Park, Toronto. Hahn estimated that the fireballs passed about halfway between Rigel and the Belt of Orion

By Miriam Kramer

It may be the ultimate cosmic cold case, but the 100-year-old mystery of a huge group of fireballs flying in formation through Earth's atmosphere is finally a bit closer to being solved, scientists say.

By sifting through the archival records from the meteor procession that took place on Feb. 9, 1913, sleuthing stargazers pieced together the surprisingly large path of the rare astronomical event.

From Canada to Brazil, observers watched as hundreds of meteors streaked across the sky, but this wasn't any ordinary annual meteor shower. Because these meteors were traveling nearly parallel to the surface of the Earth, each piece of space dust and rock stayed visible for about a minute as each burned up in Earth's atmosphere. The procession lasted for several minutes.

"To most observers, the outstanding feature of the phenomenon was the slow, majestic motion of the bodies; and almost equally remarkable was the perfect formation which they retained," said Clarence Chant, a University of Toronto astronomer who observed the procession in 1913.

But 100 years later, scientists were still missing a piece of the astronomical puzzle. No one knew exactly how wide-reaching the meteor procession was. [Astronomers Chase 100-Year Meteor Mystery (Photos)]

Map courtesy Sky & Telescope

The red dots mark locations where the meteor procession of Feb. 9, 1913, was observed. The accounts from the ships at latitudes south of the S.S. Newlands were discovered during the preparation of this article. The ground track, projected onto the rotating Earth, deviates somewhat from a great circle, with the southern part of the track shifted several degrees to the west because of the rotation of the Earth during the time of flight from Canada to the shipping lanes below the equator.

Right after the procession, scientists put out a call in the journal Nature to find as many firsthand accounts of the event as possible. Reports trickled in from ships and countries around the world, but the varied logs put the line of sight for the procession stretching around 2,400 miles (3,862 km), from Saskatchewan, Canada to Bermuda.

A century later, two researchers decided to reopen the case and track down even more reports detailing the rain of fireballs.

"We have seven new accounts from ships' meteorological log books that extend the track farther than ever before," Don Olson, an astronomer at Texas State University, said in a statement. "This is the most complete map for this phenomenon that's ever been compiled. The track now goes more than 7,000 miles ? that's more than a quarter of the way around the world. That's an almost unbelievable meteor event!"

The new findings are detailed in the February issue of Sky & Telescope magazine.

The astronomers suspect that the rare event could probably be seen even farther out into the Atlantic Ocean, but those records might be impossible to find. The last report, from a ship off the coast of Brazil, explained that fireballs could still be seen shooting through the sky as the log was entered.

These new findings come in the wake of a month full of space rocks making news. On Feb. 15, an asteroid half the size of a football field buzzed by the Earth and on the same day a meteor exploded over Russia, creating a devastating airburst that injured 1,200 people and damaged thousands of buildings in the city of Chelyabinsk.

Follow Miriam Kramer on Twitter?@mirikramer?or We're also on Facebook?and?Google+.?

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