Thursday, February 23, 2012

San Jose Hoarder's Trash Pile Visible from Space (ContributorNetwork)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]ContributorNetwork - It doesn't matter how many stories about hoarders we read -- they're all disturbing (and sad), particularly another incident the Huffington Post reported on Tuesday.


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Monday, February 13, 2012

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Greece, creditors end talks without full deal

Socialist Leader George Papandreou leaves the Prime minister's office early Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. Leaders of the three parties backing Greece's coalition governments have objected to demands by Greece's creditors for substantial cuts in supplementary pensions and have left Prime Minister Lucas Papademos to negotiate with them. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Socialist Leader George Papandreou leaves the Prime minister's office early Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. Leaders of the three parties backing Greece's coalition governments have objected to demands by Greece's creditors for substantial cuts in supplementary pensions and have left Prime Minister Lucas Papademos to negotiate with them. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Greek Prime Minister Loukas Papademos enters the meeting room at Maximos mansion in Athens on Wednesday Feb.8, 2012. After three days of delays, Greek coalition leaders began crucial debt talks Wednesday with the prime minister to review a draft deal on steep cutbacks demanded by creditors in return for a euro 130 billion ($170 billion) bailout. (AP Photo/Orestis Panagiotou, pool)

The ancient Acropolis hill with the Parthenon temple is illuminated above the city of Athens as at the background is seen the Saronic gulf on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012. After three days of delays, Greek coalition leaders began crucial debt talks Wednesday with the prime minister to review a draft deal on steep cutbacks demanded by creditors in return for a 130 billion euro ($170 billion) bailout. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

From right to left, Greek Prime Minister Loukas Papademos, Leader of the Socialist Party PASOK George Papandreou, leader of the conservative Party New Democracy Antonis Samaras enter the meeting room at Maximos mansion in Athens on Wednesday Feb.8, 2012. After three days of delays, Greek coalition leaders began crucial debt talks Wednesday with the prime minister to review a draft deal on steep cutbacks demanded by creditors in return for a 130 billion euro ($170 billion) bailout.(AP Photo/Orestis Panagiotou-pool)

Greek Prime Minister Loukas Papademos enters the meeting room at Maximos mantion in Athens on Wednesday Feb. 8, 2012. After three days of delays, Greek coalition leaders began crucial debt talks Wednesday with the prime minister to review a draft deal on steep cutbacks demanded by creditors in return for a 130 billion euro ($170 billion) bailout. (AP Photo/Yiorgos Karahalis-pool)

(AP) ? Greece failed to finalize terms for a crucial euro130 billion bailout Thursday, but Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos headed to Brussels to meet top EU officials, hoping to rescue the agreement and stave off bankruptcy.

The Athens talks stalled after leaders of the three parties backing Greece's coalition government approved sweeping new austerity measures but failed to agree to creditors' demands to make euro300 million ($398 million) in pension cuts.

Venizelos issued a dramatic plea to the coalition leaders to swiftly resolve their differences, warning that Greece's "survival over the coming years" depends on bailout and a related debt-relief agreement with private creditors.

"It will determine whether the country remains in the eurozone or whether its place in Europe will be endangered," he said.

"There is no room for any other expediency: we must look Greeks in the eye, look at the national interest and the interest of our children."

Major Asian stock markets fell, with sentiment hit by the snag in Greece's debt talks and a rebound in Chinese inflation. Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 0.2 percent.

Venizelos' meeting with finance ministers from the 16 other nations that use the euro is expected to start at 1700 GMT.

Debt inspectors from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund ? known as the troika ? held talks for five hours through the night with Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, Venizelos and Labor Minister Giorgos Koutroumanis. But they failed to resolve the latest sticking point: a demand for substantial cuts in supplementary pensions.

The issue that has threatened to derail the talks concerns cuts of about euro300 million that must be made so Greece can reach its fiscal targets for 2012. At stake is the euro130 billion bailout that will stave off Greece's bankruptcy.

It was not clear whether Papademos would meet with coalition backers ? socialist George Papandreou, conservative Antonis Samaras and George Karatzaferis, leader of the rightist LAOS party.

On Wednesday, the three leaders held talks with Papademos for seven and a half hours and backed a major new austerity program that includes a 22 percent cut in the minimum wage, firings of civil servants, and an end to dozens of job guarantee provisions.

Athens has already accepted a demand to fire up to 15,000 workers in the public sector in 2012.

"At 2 a.m., all I can say, is a line from the Beatles: 'It is a hard day's night,'" Karatzaferis told reporters upon leaving his party's headquarters for home.

Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said the lack of progress made during Wednesday's talks highlights the "certain amount of political theater involved here."

"The political leaders in Athens are campaigning," he said. "They need to be seen by the Greek population as fighting until the very last drop of blood. ... They are facing off against the Germans and IMF and the rest of the world."

A disorderly bankruptcy by Greece would likely lead to its exit from the euro common currency, a situation that European officials have insisted is impossible because it would hurt other weak countries like Portugal, Ireland and Italy. Two years of cutbacks already have seen unemployment rise to around 19 percent and poverty to 20 percent in Greece.

Without help, Greece would not have enough money to pay off a big bond payment due on March. 20, triggering a default that risks sending shockwaves throughout financial markets and the global economy.

Greece has been kept solvent since May 2010 by payments from a euro110 billion ($145 billion) international rescue loan package. When it became clear the money would not be enough, a second bailout was decided last October.

Two years of harsh austerity measures have made Greek voters increasingly hostile.

Some 91 percent of Greeks believe the coalition government is taking the country in the "wrong direction," according to a February tracking poll published Wednesday in Greek daily Kathimerini.

Support for the Socialists, who won a landslide election victory in 2009, has dropped to 8 percent, while the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group has attracted 3 percent support ? enough to achieve representation in parliament, according to Public Issue survey. Conservative New Democracy led with 31 percent, which is not enough to form a government on its own. Sampling data was not available.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mom Story: Anna from Goose Grease - momstory


I?m Anna Leigh Donado and I live in Brooklyn with my husband and our little 2 year old, Simone Louise. Besides being a wife and a mom, I?m the artistic director of Goose Grease and an artist myself. Goose Grease specializes in custom hand-painted wooden dolls such as wedding cake toppers, families, pets, etc. We have two Etsy shops, Goose Grease and Goose Grease Undone, for D-I-Y wooden craft supplies. My husband, Juan, is finishing his PhD in Philosophy at the New School for Social Research. He?s writing his dissertation on French philosopher Ren? Descartes. He is Colombian, from Bogot?, so our life is half Spanish, half English. I learned Spanish from him and a little bit in high school. We are raising Simone to be bilingual and bilingual education is something I never expected I would do. It has been absolutely exciting!

What kind of house do you live in - are you and your family happy here or is there anything you find lacking or would like to change?

We live in a first floor apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We have a space set up for working ?one smaller space I use to paint in the evenings, and another one where we can do the daily shipping from home. We also have a studio in an old warehouse about a 20 minute walk from our house, where Juan does his daily writing and we keep our excess supplies. I also use this space for painting on large canvases when my artistic side is needing a balance from the detailed work of doll painting! We give Simone a lot of freedom when it comes to art-making, so I am most happy that we have many spaces available for her to express her imagination whenever inspiration hits her. We just learned that we are moving soon to the apartment across the hall, which enables us to have our working and living spaces all under the same roof. We are happy for this change!


What do you like best about living there?

I love that we don?t need a car and can walk or take public transportation wherever we have to go. We always end up on an adventure someway or another. For instance, just walking around the neighborhood we met an old local woman who ended up constantly bringing gifts for Simone. That type of experience is really unique to the grassroots community that still lives in Brooklyn.


Where do you look for interior inspiration - favorite magazines, websites, or blogs?

My main inspiration comes from necessity. Space is limited in NY, so we are always finding creative ways to set up and re-set up our home.?


What is your child?s favorite items in your house?

Her musical instrument basket and her CD player. She loves the Beatles? song ?Hey Jude? and can periodically be found with her mini guitar around her neck, strumming her own rendition of the Beatles? classic. She also likes scissors, packaging tape, glue, etc.


What places in your neighborhood do you like to shop at?

I love our neighborhood because of its many cultures. One of our favorite places to go, of course, is the local art store ?Artist and Craftsman. We go there two or three times a week and Simone really likes picking out a marker.?


If you are living in a foreign country, how do you feel about it??How do you meet new people, make new friends? What is it that you miss most about "home"?

I?m from Virginia and Juan is from Colombia, so I guess you could call NY a foreign country to us. Because everything is in close proximity, and other mothers are also out strolling their kids, its pretty easy to meet people here. We also live in a Latino neighborhood, which gives Simone and I many great opportunities for practicing our Spanish.


What is it like to raise a child in your town?

I feel blessed to be able to raise a child in NYC. We still don?t go to museums as much as I would like (Simone is 2, so we?re not quite at the behavioral level required for quiet museum browsing, but we?re getting there ;). Nevertheless, there are so many free events for kids here it?s unreal. For instance, Simone had free swimming lessons at a local pool this summer. I moved to Brooklyn when I was 21 and Simone gets to be here since she was born! That?s pretty lucky.

What is your idea of a perfect day with your child?

It would begin after a full night?s sleep. We would have to pick up from there?


What is a normal day like with your child? ?What do you do on the weekends?

Juan wakes everyone up in the morning. We have coffee and breakfast, and then he drops Simone off to her preschool, which is a block away from us. We work during the hours she?s away, and then at noon I go to pick her up. He heads off to our studio or the library to work on his dissertation or other projects. Simone and I take a walk and then she comes back to the house for a nap while I work on emailing and shipping. When she wakes up I usually paint dolls and have her paint alongside with me. We generally end the afternoon with a walk to the post office, where she loves to sort out the packages and hand them to the attendant. Juan comes home around 5 or 6 and then we all eat dinner together and finish the night listening to music and/or watching the news. Simone goes to sleep, and Juan and I finish our night painting, sanding, and writing.?


Tell us a funny story, quote or remark your child recently made.

Simone is just starting to really articulate sentences. That?s always amazing to see ?how the mind actually begins to construct through language. Recently, someone asked Simone what street she lives on. ?I wasn?t sure how she would respond, as this is a question we?ve only just begun working on. I was quite surprised when she confidently answered: ?I live on Sesame Street.??

Can you mention some of your ?how-to-raise-children? advice?

I would say: guided freedom is the key. Especially with arts and crafts. One of our biggest selling products at Goose Grease is our Doll Family DIY kit ? which comes with paints, brushes, top coat and everything you need to get started (and finished). A lot of parent's are worried that their kids can?t do certain craft projects. They think a five year old would have trouble painting a doll, but that?s more the parent?s mental chains than the child?s incapacity! Put some plastic down, give them an apron, and let the kid go to town! The paint will come off, eventually! Even when Simone was a year old we brought her to the studio and had her painting with acrylic paint because as long as she doesn?t eat it, it?s good. I love letting Simone explore new, creative things. With great freedom, of course, comes great responsibility, so we?re trying to get her to understand that.


What kind of DIY projects do you like to do with your child?

Pretty much everything. From Play dough to painting to cutting to gluing. Simone?s current favorite thing are pompoms ? which has given us hours of play. We just got a bag with three different sizes, so I have been drawing circles on paper, small, medium and large, and have her glue the matching pompoms onto the painted circles. This teaches her color and size matching. ?

What do you do with all the projects your child makes at home or in school?

We pack them in a brown envelope and send them off to the grandparents! (We have kept a few good ones though ;)?


Does your child have friends over often? If yes, what activities do they do?

Yes, Simone has two favorite friends, Bob and Simon, that come over quite often. Alongside with a painter we?ve hired in Colombia, Simon?s mom, Sandra, has helped us with painting for Goose Grease, so she?ll bring Simon over and we?ll paint while the kids play.

How do you buy your books? Bookstores? Online? ?

There is a great program at our local library, where during the weekly story time session, every third week the child gets a free book. We have stocked our shelves with these books! Also, my mom has a childcare center in Virginia, so every visit to her place finds us returning with an arm load of books.


What are some nice activities you can do with children in your area, and what would you recommend when people are visiting?

I just discovered a puppet group that meets once a week in our neighborhood. It has been wonderful. There?s a great website called Mommy Poppins that has a running calendar of activities for kids in NYC. I get a lot of ideas from there.


Do you cook together with your child? Does Dad cook?

We all cook together. Juan is really good at marinating the meat and Simone loves to throw in the spices. I once thought of writing a cookbook with one recipe for every day of a year? I think it will be a life-long project.

Do you keep some sort of travel journal with your child?

Yes, I am an avid journaler myself, and I think having a notebook with you at all times is very important. I created one for Simone to use the first time we went to Colombia when she was a year old, hopefully it will be the first of many! ?


What are your tips for traveling in a plane or on a long road trip with your child?

When I know we?re going on a trip, I start setting aside lightweight activities about a week beforehand. Sticker books from DoverArt, finger puppets, I think I even brought some tin foil one time and we sculpted swans and chain bracelets out of it. One time during our flight to Colombia, I had Simone color on some card stock and when we arrived we used them as postcards and sent them to her grandparents in the States.

What a lovely Mom Story, thank you Anna for sharing it with us!

..Goose Grease..

..Goose Grease Undone..

*If you are interested in being considered for a Mom Story, please contact Tiffany - tiffany.bloesem(at)


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Monday, February 6, 2012

issues connected with asbestos, it is significantly far better to start ...

The inhalation of asbestos results in lung and pleural most cancers, as it may be shown in bestial experiments and epidemiological scientific studies.

Malignant mesothelioma is a most cancers of mesothelial cells, and impacts the pleura and peritoneum from the 80% and 20% with the cases respectively. It normally occurs in individuals that have been exposed to asbestos inside their workplace at least 15 several years ahead of the diagnosis, although in some cases the condition may be made in individuals with really minimal to none exposures. In truth, the partnership amongst malignant mesothelioma and asbestos coverage was to begin with explained in 1960 by Wagner and colleagues in South African crocidolite miners.

The incidence of mesothelioma is identified in countries wherever you can find a national registry of this condition. As a result, the determine ranges amongst 14.2 and 2.5 cases for each million in adult males and gals, respectively, from the U.s.a., 66 and 7 for each million in Australia. In Spain such as you can find no report of these occupational ailments. Within a research conducted in Catalonia amongst 1983 and 1990, there was an attributable mortality rate of malignant mesothelioma for each one hundred,000 cases of 0.83 and 0.47 in adult males and gals respectively. In clients living in Barcelona and Cadiz with malignant mesothelioma, 62% of cases could be relevant ipage coupon to occupational coverage to asbestos, although the remaining 38% could be on account of domestic or environmental exposures. The fact that mesothelioma can come about being a end result of environmental coverage to asbestos is identified, as explained in populations living in close proximity to asbestos mines in spots wherever the homes had been painted with paint containing tremolite or in areas with higher number of the silicate from the soil.

The fiber seems to become connected using this type of tumor are amphiboles, while chrysotile, even with getting quite possibly the most commonly inhaled fibers, seems to be of hazard. In Spain, the published sequence of malignant mesothelioma are concentrated in substantial cities, due to the fact, logically, is wherever you can find a larger industrial coverage to asbestos. Sufferers normally present by using a persistent pleural effusion plus a computed tomography is utilized to expose pleural lesions that may guide to a precise diagnosis of mesothelioma. This, nevertheless, demands pleural biopsy utilizing thoracoscopy which has a yield earlier mentioned 90%.

Malignant mesothelioma invariably progresses to demise of clients by using a median survival of 7 months. With latest evidence, neither radiotherapy nor chemotherapy nor surgical procedure have demonstrated any advancement from the prognosis of such clients. Nowadays new therapies are being tested, as the introduction of intrapleural cytokines, photosensitization mesothelioma mobile or gene remedy, without having conclusive success so far. The involvement of clients identified in Spain in analysis scientific studies of new therapies involve cooperation amongst centers to study a ample variety of clients. Pablo Rodriguez is a freelance writer and medical researcher. He has created multiples articles or blog posts about most cancers and spefically mesothelioma. He?s at the moment researching to become a writer at College of Buenos Aires.

This can be a dilemma that still plagues the minds of a large number of individuals. Lots of people automatically presume that due to the fact asbestos is a mineral which was utilized in making components for lots of several years that it must genuinely be protected. They presume which they press is simply actively playing up the stories a little bit a lot of or that health professionals are just simply striving to receive more money away from individuals. The actual fact with the matter is though that asbestos is incredibly threatening justhost coupon and it can be something that could demolish your existence, even if exposed for just a minimal bit. The worst thing is, a lot of individuals presume that due to the fact they have got not had any negative activities to their self induced coverage to asbestos that there?s next to nothing to worry about.

Difficulties relevant to asbestos can take everywhere from ten to fifty several years to indicate up. For that reason, simply because you had been exposed to asbestos two several years ago and you have not suffered from it does not necessarily mean which you in no way will. Should you have ever been exposed to asbestos, irrespective of how minimal, you will desire to hold an eye out to the widespread signs and signs of Mesothelioma.

Asbestos is a mineral made up of little fibers that swiftly and readily turn into airborne. As soon as these fibers are airborne they readily find their way into your lungs and the lungs of one?s cherished ones. Lots of people believe that it can be only those people that happen to be instantly exposing on their own to environments which have the asbestos that happen to be at risk. On the other hand, he people of those people placing on their own at risk can also be at risk. It?s because lots of of such adult males and gals are carrying the asbestos into their motor vehicles and into their properties. The entire relatives might be put at risk due to the fact one particular particular person exposed on their own to asbestos.

The major predicament connected with asbestos is the fact with the development of most cancers. Mesothelioma could be the style of most cancers connected with asbestos. It is a awful most cancers and one particular that statements a lot of lives. Even if you are unsure as to if you?ve been exposed to asbestos, you will desire to hold an eye out on the health and fitness. Really should you start to notice a decline in the health and fitness or issues that happen to be away from the regular for you, contact your health and fitness care company immediately. Should you have issues connected with asbestos, it can be a lot much better to get started on finding treatment solution now than afterwards.

A different thing to take into consideration is any possible compensation which you could be entitled to when you had been exposed to your asbestos without the need of your knowledge. Numerous individuals have discovered which they firms they worked for exposed them to your asbestos, despite the fact that wow private server they had been aware it had been present and the potential risks that it carried. For your suffering and struggling, your medical payments, your medications and to the heartache that your family will endure, it?s important for making certain that you?re likely for virtually every and all monetary compensation it is possible to get.


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QotW 17: What would one need to do in order to hijack a satellite ...

Slightly later than officially planned, question of the week number 17, a weekly feature on security stack exchange is a rather unusual but very interesting choice. We?ve featured it by community votes ? and because it?s an interesting study of ?how to think about security?.

So, without further ado, Security.SE member Incognito asked: What would one need to do in order to hijack a satellite?.

I did warn you! Well, never fear, it turns out our members know exactly how to do it! So without further ado:


In terms of radio communications security, most satellite communications systems are repeaters, accepting communication from the highest strength incoming signal at will. Most satellites then contain a command module to order the satellite to perform certain actions as necessary. Due to the highly custom nature of individual satellites, the commands that are accepted and the security for them is highly variable, so there?s a lot of potential for exploitation. As one of our answerers puts it:

When it comes to satellites, the word general does not apply.

Legal Concerns

As a result of the wide variety of frequencies and power requirements in use, chances are, attempting to send commands to a satellite are likely to violate local radio laws ? as such, we do not recommend it (although we find the study of security very interesting, all the same).

Finding and talking to a satellite

Clearly, if you?re going to communicate with a satellite, you need equipment with sufficient power and range. You?ll need to be aware of the carrier frequency, the maximum satellite range, the data rate and satellite transmitter power. The location and altitude of satellites also matters ? some are geostationary and as such are always in range, while others orbit and may only be in range for a specific period of time. Directional antennas with tracking motors will help an awful lot if the satellite changes position at all. Our answers provide even more detailed radio advice and links, so if you?re interested in your radio, do have a read!

Taking control of a satellite

There are several means by which you can take control of a satellite:

  1. Direct comms: If you have identified your target satellite, the most obvious method would be to communicate directly with it, sending it the commands you desire. Depending on the satellite you target your options will vary. You?ll need to be aware of the protocol and options available to you.
  2. MITM: One option for hijacking a satellite is to identify its command and control ? the ground station ? and intercept its communications. If you can afford to rent a small plane and can fly it over the site, possibly allowing you an advantage.

Doing it legally

It may be possible to purchase satellite time, depending on who you ask ? and as such it may be possible to legitimately control a satellite, even if only for a brief period!

The expensive way

Many of the answers given focused on the radio communication protocols ? however, Security.SE member and former moderator Graham Lee?highlighted the physical security of satellites as a major concern ? the only problem being the cost of getting into space. If you can, being able to nudge the satellite is enough to deny service by altering the antenna direction ? you may be able to exploit it in other ways, whilst you?re up there. Of course, you don?t need to go up there yourself necessarily ? a rocket will do the job adequately well and apparently doesn?t even need explosives!


Satellite security is an interesting area with many concerns that has perhaps been overlooked in our focus on the security of online stores and the like. Thankfully, people are looking at the security of communications systems that rely on satellites!

This QotW writeup relied on answers from Jeff Ferland, this.josh?and Graham Lee primarily. Thanks to all our answerers on this particular question for providing their insights!

Can you improve on these answers? Feel free to visit the question and provide additional detail!


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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home and Garden: Insurance Continuing Education - Flood ...

The APPLICATION for flood insurance is, understandably, a little more complicated than some of the other property and casualty policy applications as it covers a specific risk on property that must be identified although the range of buildings and property can run the gamut.? Because of this need to be precise, this form must be completed only in the correct fashion as there is no room for guessing.

This Application form or a similar form used for WYO companies, must be used for all flood policies except the Preferred Risk Policy.? The NFIP Flood Insurance Application form, or a similar form for WYO companies, must be used for all flood insurance policies except the Preferred Risk Policy.

The Application form must be completed accurately as it contains the necessary information required by statutory intent and it provides the instructions in respect to the rating of the different building types.

The Application provides the initial information so that the flood insurance rate can be properly applied to the building, particularly as to whether the building is Post-FIRM construction or Pre-FIRM construction; and provides information as to building occupancy, building type, basement type and elevated building type.

The flood risk Zone must also be determined as well as the elevation of the building.


For purposes of the NFIP, distinctions have been made among the following building types:


1. No basement

- One floor

- Split level

- Two or more floors

1. Unfinished basement

- Split level

- Two or more floors

1. Finished basement

- Split level

- Two or more floors


Manufactured (mobile) home, including doublewide, or travel trailer, on foundation

2. Elevated building

- No enclosure

- With enclosure (including crawl space)

An elevated building is a building that has no basement and that has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns.


1. To obtain a Scheduled Building Policy, an Application must be completed for each building and/or contents for which coverage is requested.

2.? For each scheduled building (building and/or contents coverage); the Federal Policy Fee is .00 per building

3. All Flood Insurance Application forms must be completed in accordance with all Flood Insurance Manual rules and the Scheduled Building Policy qualifications.

4. If requesting a Scheduled Building Policy, indicate Building #1, Building #2, etc., in the upper right corner of each Application. ?Staple together the Applications as a single unit.


The following instructions apply for completing Part 1 of the Flood Insurance Application form.


In the upper right corner of the form, check the appropriate box to indicate if the application is for a NEW policy or a RENEWAL of an existing policy. ?If the application is for a renewal, enter the current 10-digit NFIP policy number.


Check the appropriate box to indicate who should receive the renewal bill.

If "BILL FIRST MORTGAGEE is checked, complete "First Mortgagee" section."

If BILL SECOND MORTGAGEE, BILL LOSS PAYEE, or BILL OTHER is checked, provide mailing instructions in the "Second Mortgagee or Other" section.

Enter the policy effective date and policy expiration date (month-day-year).

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Luxury crusie ship Review ? Article on the Carnival Mobility | central ...

Since it is my to start with post I assume Ill converse about my newly released cruise towards the Bahamas. This was initially actually my personal 3rd cruise vacation and my family and i have witout a doubt booked some of our 4th, causing from Las vegas to Critical West, Nassau and additionally Cococay. Even all the staff know everyone could there be to sun, which we seen in the dining facility where all the waiters danced and additionally performed every evening near the finale of meals.

Almost all the Carnival ships are made for excitement, hence all the advertising licence plate, ?the Funships?. The enterprise of iGlobal Growing media Limited has this game playing site. It is due to this that all the Carnival crafts are difficult to examine.

Agreed quiet head engineer Terra Johns, ?The design on the ship is a lot like the theme NCL Cruises line connected with ships, excitement.? The tones are vibrant and festive as well as the decor is a same. Like most Carnival crafts, there might be lots to undertake. You will find guidance online anytime taking your own special measures on the eTuxedo webpage. Other categories of help shall be at the local seamstress or each and every type connected with men?s hold. Many people choose to hot weather once they travel simply because like for you to tan or frolic in the water. Some cruise vacation aficionados won?t allow sail one or and the second. It?ll be a tremendous amount busier and this are likely to be a little more expensive. For the comparison most of us sailed upon two comparable ships ? all the Carnival Liberty as well as the Royal Carribbean Mariner on the Seas.

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Carnival cruise ships are famous for your amazing Carnival Reviews onboard recreations they give you their many people. If you desire to experience excitement to have an economical expense, opt on a Carnival cruise vacation. The total cruise feels happy with themselves with regard to offering one of the best and cost-free moist restaurants experience. There are several variety excessively provided within Restaurants, Record establishments, bistros, thrilling bars upon boards, we also have provision made from all demanded eatables begining with burger for you to carbon pink cooking having inclusion connected with fried food. These food are usually seen for sale in nights and additionally in days additionally. While, there can be few dining places that cannot provide meals for a day a time. Carnival can be described as leisure liner for your unmarried, couples and additionally families and this caters to any or all age ranges than each and every cruise crafts. Sushi might be served upon promenade deck each night. They currently have dispensed considering the old created view on the cruise ship the spot where the older generation might be most passengers. By benefiting from one on the Carnival Vacation cruise deals you?ll find that your kids will be effectively resolved and they are occupied through the youth programs available on aboard.

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No. 23 North Carolina women beat Virginia 64-56 (AP)

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. ? Chay Shegog had 20 points and Candace Wood added 14 points, leading No. 23 North Carolina to a 64-56 win over Virginia on Friday night.

Wood scored the game's final seven points as North Carolina (17-5, 7-2 ACC) swept the season series. The Tar Heels won the first meeting 78-73 in double overtime Jan. 5 in Charlottesville, Va.

Ariana Moorer led Virginia (16-8, 4-6) with 21 points, Lexie Gerson chipped in 14 and Ataira Franklin scored 11.

North Carolina led 35-24 at halftime behind 50 percent shooting and eight points from Shegog. Moorer had 13 at the break for the Cavaliers, who shot 27.3 percent for the period.

Virginia led 12-11 with 14:37 left in the first half before the Tar Heels went on a 10-0 run that included a pair of 3-pointers.

The Cavaliers chipped away in the second, tying it at 54 before Tierra Ruffin-Pratt's three-point play with 1:32 left put UNC ahead for good.


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Friday, February 3, 2012

A Guide To Luxury Cruises | Travel & Leisure Blog ...

Luxury cruises are a great selection for visitors and tourists needing a fast luxury cruise get away. There are various vacationers who stay away from going on a luxury cruise for a holiday getaway as they imagine they?re often expensive. However, luxury cruising is also available at cheap pricing within the off season.

It has become an enjoyable method to take a trip with the young and old alike. The particular vacation cruise price ranges can be acquired from travel agencies or even can be gotten on the internet. Numerous luxury cruise lines offer shore excursions that focus on combining aquatic sports along with time periods at the sea. Some hotels sell passes to cruise trip guests to permit use of the seaside and pool facilities.

The total expenditure of luxury cruises mostly consists of all port charges and government duty, lodging, food and snack food items, and most on board functions and entertainment. There is no need for cruisers to acquire travel cover but a good number of cruise trips advise it, in the event of any unexpected circumstances. While booking online, the automated booking process normally displays any offered discounts based on age group, specifically for older persons and youngsters. In online reservations, normally no processing or ticketing fee is billed.

Frequently, the last fee for the cruise is paid 45-90 days prior to the cruise yet this largely depends on the rules of the particular luxury cruise. Travelers ought to be cautious while providing their charge card details. They ought to be sure that the charge card data they provide is correct as any inaccurate information could result in the booking to be canceled by the cruise line. Deluxe cruise trips are adding brand new and lucrative cruise bundles to attract more people, the foremost appeal being that these particular deals have got a number of things to do packed right into a single offer.

Meals and room service are standard features of high end cruises as are trips on land and particular activities on the ship. The luxury ships may delight in further advantages of lavishly designed rooms with their own fully stocked bars, top of the line entertainment systems and their own private balconies.

They can likewise have the means to access multiplexes and discos, and are also generally qualified for a drop-off and pick-up transport back and forth from the cruise ship.


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What Are Computer And Console Game Genres Are Popular ...

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Aside from being entertaining, online games have several other good features. For starters, they offer a very enriching way of social interaction since it allows gamers from different parts of the globe to compete with one another, or work collaboratively by forming guilds or clans. Majority of them also allow for inter-player communication through chat and forums where tricks and walkthroughs are often shared. Virtual gaming environments also encourage collaborative play through creation of guilds.

Another benefit to video games is that those who play them have better hand-and-eye coordination and often can resist distraction more effectively than those who do not play at all. Games also enable players get learning experiences that are otherwise impossible to access in any other way, like becoming familiar with historical concepts through period games, understanding the complexities of running a city, or managing entire civilizations. Because a large percentage of games involve decision-making, gaming enthusiasts also tend to have better analytical thinking and can sometimes come up with strategies faster than their non-player counterparts.

Nowadays, there are a variety of game genres available. Simulation is one of the most played gaming genres nowadays and these mimic particular aspects of reality. Games under this category can be as easy as side-scroller truck games and top-down parking games to more complicated ones such as sports and city-building games. Parking games and truck games appeal to children because it teaches them something that they are yet to experience in the real world. Online games that re-create certain sports allow players to experiment with strategies which they can use in real life.

RPGs are also very popular and in this genre, players adopt a character and collaborate with computer-controlled characters or other players to create a story. Player decisions shape the direction and outcome of the experience. Massively multiplayer online RPGs are under this category as well and these virtual worlds accommodate thousands of players from around the world at one time. Strategy video games appeal to a lot of gaming enthusiasts as well. These require careful and skillful thinking in order to achieve victory.

War and god games often fall under this category. Adventure games also appeal to a lot of gaming enthusiasts primarily because of the thrill, immersive narrative, and thought-provoking challenges that they provide. In this category of games, plot development is often given more emphasis than reflex, and their themes usually draw heavily from popular literary works and movies. Action games, like first-person shooters, are another well-liked genre and these require players to use quick reflexes, accuracy, and timing to overcome obstacles.

Simulator games are particularly popular among gaming enthusiasts, young and old alike. Examples of kid-friendly ones are Parking Games and Truck Games, while racing and driving simulators are for more mature players. Follow this link to learn about this genre.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PayPal founder gives $900K to Paul PAC (Politico)

Endorse Liberty, a super PAC supporting Rep. Ron Paul?s presidential campaign, received nearly a million dollars from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, new documents show.

Thiel?s $900,000 makes him the single largest contributor in the short time since the PAC was founded on December 20, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Since founding PayPal in 1998, Thiel now runs the hedge fund Clarium Capital. His net worth has been reported to be at least $1.5 billion.

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Internet marketer Jeff Harmon and Smiley Media founder Stephen Oskoui founded Endorse Liberty in December to boost Paul?s candidacy online though Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube ads.

A report filed with the FEC on Tuesday showed that the group raised $1 million in December. However, in a press release on Tuesday, the founders disclosed that they have increased their fundraising to date to $3.9 million.

They also announced the support of a handful of technology entrepreneurs. In addition to Thiel, another PayPal co-founder Luke Nosek, as well as technology entrepreneurs James O?Neill, and Jonathan Cain also contributed to the PAC, according to the release.

Oskoui personally contributed $50,000 to the PAC?s operations and the group has used Oskoui?s Texas-based internet advertising firm to place some Facebook ads, FEC reports show. Entrepreneur Scott Banister also contributed another $50,000 in the fourth quarter.

Nearly all of the PACs expenditures have been for online advertising and video production costs. They released a series of ?fake politician? videos spoofing Paul?s competitors Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum garnering more than 8.5 million views on YouTube.

Endorse Liberty paid another Paul super PAC Revolution PAC $10,000 for the use of a video, FEC reports show.


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Zimbabwe rations water to poor after typhoid spell

(AP) ? Zimbabwean authorities say they are making sure poor townships get uninterrupted water supplies after a typhoid outbreak, leaving wealthy areas with reduced supplies.

Harare official Tendai Mahachi told reporters Tuesday well-to-do suburbs will get water about twice weekly. He said "the wealthy can afford to buy water" and cope with outages.

At least 900 cases of the bacterial disease have been treated this year in poor western suburbs of Harare, many having had no piped water for months and even years.

No deaths have been reported in the typhoid outbreak blamed on food contaminated by feces from broken sewers during water shortages.

A cholera outbreak in 2009 blamed on the collapse of water, sanitation and prevention services killed more than 4,000 people.

Associated Press


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Chicago Teen Using Laughs To Cope With Cancer ? CBS Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) ? They say laughter is the best medicine, and a Chicago father-son duo is really put that old adage to the test.

Miles Austrevich has a rare form of brain cancer, and his father says they?ve been fighting it with meds, chemotherapy and radiation.

Now, as CBS 2?s Mai Martinez reports, they?re fighting it with humor.

Every week or so, Miles Austrevich checks into Children?s Memorial Hospital for his cancer treatments. The 19-year-old first learned he had a cancerous brain tumor when he was diagnosed on Nov. 20, 2008.

Miles had a recurrence on December 8, 2009, and another on June 4, 2011. He now has three new masses growing in his brain, but through it all, Miles has maintained his sense of humor even referring to his cancer as ?the gift that just keeps on giving.?

While it may seem odd to joke about cancer, for Miles, laughter is the best medicine.

That?s why his father, comedian Len Austrevich, launched the Jokes 4 Miles campaign, hoping to collect 5,000 jokes online to help lift his son?s spirits.

Since Jan. 1, 2012, more than 200 jokes have come in from across the U.S. and around the world and, every time Miles comes in for a treatment, he has his MacBook or iPad in tow so he can watch the jokes people have sent in.

?If I?m laughing, I?m not thinking about what?s going on here,? Miles said.

Even his attending physician, Dr. Jason Fangusaro of Children?s Memorial Hospital, said it?s helping.

?It?s improving his quality of life,? explained Fangusaro.

Miles? father, Len Austrevich said what?s surprised him most about the response is all the well wishes and ?the real sincerity behind what people are doing.?

On one clip, a well-wisher hoped Miles has a ?super-quick, lightning-speed recovery.?

Another simply said, ?I?m rooting for you dude,? while yet another told Miles, ?I think you are an inspiration.?

Celebrities also have been wishing Miles well, among them one of Miles? favorite actors, Will Arnett, who ended his video message with ?I just wanted to say I love you.?

Miles was shocked when he saw the video.

?That?s one of the most special jokes that I?ve gotten,? he said.

It?s not just jokes that are making Miles smile. Rapper Ill Ambition created a rap just for Miles, including the lines ?Miles keep doing what you?re doing, man. I love your attitude.?

Miles said that was one of the ?coolest? messages he?s received so far.

?It?s just energizing. It?s crazy, it?s such a good feeling,? Miles said.

If you?d like to send Miles a joke, stop by any Leona?s Restaurant location in Chicago on Friday, Feb. 3 or Feb. 10 between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. The restaurants will have cameras set up to record jokes for Miles. Or you can record a joke on your own and submit it to their website. Find out the guidelines for submitting a joke here.


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