Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PayPal founder gives $900K to Paul PAC (Politico)

Endorse Liberty, a super PAC supporting Rep. Ron Paul?s presidential campaign, received nearly a million dollars from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, new documents show.

Thiel?s $900,000 makes him the single largest contributor in the short time since the PAC was founded on December 20, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Since founding PayPal in 1998, Thiel now runs the hedge fund Clarium Capital. His net worth has been reported to be at least $1.5 billion.

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Internet marketer Jeff Harmon and Smiley Media founder Stephen Oskoui founded Endorse Liberty in December to boost Paul?s candidacy online though Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube ads.

A report filed with the FEC on Tuesday showed that the group raised $1 million in December. However, in a press release on Tuesday, the founders disclosed that they have increased their fundraising to date to $3.9 million.

They also announced the support of a handful of technology entrepreneurs. In addition to Thiel, another PayPal co-founder Luke Nosek, as well as technology entrepreneurs James O?Neill, and Jonathan Cain also contributed to the PAC, according to the release.

Oskoui personally contributed $50,000 to the PAC?s operations and the group has used Oskoui?s Texas-based internet advertising firm to place some Facebook ads, FEC reports show. Entrepreneur Scott Banister also contributed another $50,000 in the fourth quarter.

Nearly all of the PACs expenditures have been for online advertising and video production costs. They released a series of ?fake politician? videos spoofing Paul?s competitors Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum garnering more than 8.5 million views on YouTube.

Endorse Liberty paid another Paul super PAC Revolution PAC $10,000 for the use of a video, FEC reports show.


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