Saturday, November 17, 2012

1,000,000 votes for secession - Chicago Gold and Silver Investing ...

There are still many people angry from the election results and the direction this country is taken. Not only has Barak Obama - a statist- been relected to office but a wave of liberalism has been voted into America. Key Tea Party activists such as Allen West from Florida and Joe Walsh from Illinois have been voted out of office and replaced with Deomcratic statist. Voters in states voted liberal policies such as legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and higher taxes in California.

This left a large part of the country, particularly those in the south and the central part of the state - angry at the results and direction the country is going. A sign of this displeasure has been a surprising secession movement. Already about 1,000,000 people have signed a petition for their state to secede.

What this means is that a lot of people are angry. They want a divorce from what they see as an increasingly tyrannical government. In the short run, I don't see anything too drastic happening. Not a single governor from any state has agreed to support any kind of secession movement. Even outspoken Texas governor Rick Perry has repudiated the idea. At the same time, there is a growing mass of digruntleness out there.

?While the economy is still bad, it is bot bad enough to cause more social unrest. But what happens when taxes get raised this January? what happens when ObamCare kicks in? What happens when this socialist President of ours gets more of his policies enacted? What happens when a state like California gets in even more finanical mess and risk default? You could see a total collapse, mass defaults, massive government money printing, high inflation, increased government intervention in industries, and other parts of our lives.

What is happening is that America is headed towards a dangerous path. One that I personally feel will inevitably happen. They say there is going to be a financial cliff this January. I say that for the sake of an emergency, politicians will find a way to kick the can down the road. Thus creating teh groundwork for an even greater financial cliff. What happens then.

I see a day that government will take drastic interventionist actions. When they do that, there will be other groups forming. I predict movements like this secession movement will rise to epic proportions. It will not be the Tea Party. The Tea Party and secessionist movement will be tame compared to what will be coming in America's future.




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