Friday, November 23, 2012

Collectibles: Family treasures, finds and mysteries |

Q I'm hoping you can help me find out more about this beautiful table that's been handed down to me. We think it came to our family around the early 1900s. My great-grandfather lived on Southwest Dosch Road and raised various farm animals. As the story goes, a family that was passing through needed food, and offered him this table in trade for a hog. I've always marveled at the workmanship, and the fact that there's not a single nail in the entire table. The family would love to know more about what country this might have originated from, and how old it might be. It's definitely a piece that we all hope is passed down for many, many generations. The table is 36 inches wide, 23.5 inches deep, 30 inches tall, and, other than a couple imperceptible chips on the base, it's in wonderful condition.

L.S., Southwest Portland
A Many companies in many countries made tables similar to your late-19th-century piece. Your table seems to have a more Italian or French flair, but similar pieces also come from Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Your table has experienced some sun fading, and originally had much more color in the wood inlay. It also appears that the table was once surrounded with a fabric skirt or fringe edge. A good retail price would $1,500 to $2,000. At auction it might bring $600 to $900.

Q My great aunt gave me this lamp about 25 years ago. It stands 64 inches high. The globe is 7 inches across and 8 inches high. The base is 10 inches around. It has the original short cord and the round casing for the plug. The lamp itself is quite heavy. I am giving it to my son who just remodeled a 1927 bungalow so it should be a happy, happy lamp. I would love to know how old you think it is and what it might be worth.

G.I, Charbonneau, Wilsonville

A Your antique floor lamp is a transitional piece dating to about 1910. You see elements of the Victorian era with C-scrolls, fleur-de-lis and an allover design that covers the surface. There are also Art Deco elements, such as circles, half-circles and radiant lines. Right now, China's ability to supply lamps that the public finds attractive at much lower prices is bringing the value of even antique lamps down. Your lamp would be priced at retail in an Oregon antique store from $180 to $280, and at auction would hope to sell for $90 to $140.

Q I have what appears to be an American Federal Period candle stand. It is mahogany and is all hand-planed. I would appreciate any information you might be able to provide me.

B. N., Southeast Portland

A This candle stand is not from the American Federal Period, which runs from 1789 to 1823, but is a Victorian piece, which was made late in the 19th century. Without being able to see the detail of carving or condition, we can only estimate that your Victorian table would be priced in a nice Oregon antique store from $800 to $900 and would sell at auction from $200 to $400.

Q I have tried, to no avail, to find information on this statue and could use your help. When my father passed away 10 years ago, he left it to me. I don't know the metal since it is so patinated, but it weighs 15 pounds. There is a signature on the bottom that reads "Caresse Crosby." The statue is 20 1/2 inches tall. I have learned a lot about Caresse Crosby (who was quite the interesting woman) but nothing on the statue.

A. T., West Linn

A Caresse Crosby was born Mary Phelps Jacob in either 1892 or 1891 (different biographers give different dates) and lived a long, exciting life immersed in the arts and scandals of her time. Born to proper Boston parents of wealth and standing, she was credited with inventing and patenting the first modern bra at the age of 19. She met her second husband, Henry Crosby, when she was still married and married him two years later. The couple moved to Europe, where they joined the "Lost Generation," a group of hard-living American expatriates that included Ernest Hemingway, Hart Crane, D.H. Lawrence and T.S. Eliot. The Crosbys ran a publishing company called Black Sun Press, and published many of these same authors. When her husband committed suicide in 1929, she lived in Paris for a time, then returned to the U.S., where she remarried and continued her life as a socialite and patron of the arts. She died in Rome in 1970.

Your bronze sculpture sold in 1994 in Paris at an auction house called Ader-Tajan. The auction estimate was from $700 to $900. It sold for $652.

Q A family friend who was a purser in the Navy gave us this plate as a wedding gift 20 years ago. This fellow had a passion for collecting very odd items during his travels, and his house was like a natural history museum. The plate is about 9 inches in diameter and quite dense. Do you think this is just a quaint souvenir, churned out for tourists? Or is it possible that the plate is an object once used by an ancient people?

P.K., Southeast Portland

Your tin-plated shallow bowl is most often found in the Middle East and Asia. It could date as far back as about 1820 and was used to heat food directly in the bowl on a hot wood stove. This utilitarian kitchen collectible is a great illustration of the truth in the saying, "Old isn't always gold." Though this bowl does have some age, it is not rare or finely made. An ethical antique dealer in Oregon would price this object no higher than $60. At auction, you would hope to get from $25 to $35.


The values of items featured in the collectibles column are estimated by Portland appraiser Terra Goodman, who is accredited in appraisal practice, theory and law as well as product knowledge, ethics and proper appraisal procedures. She is certified in fine and decorative arts through Sotheby's Auction House, where she studied American and European furniture and decorative arts. Goodman is the only Sotheby's, New York-trained appraiser in the Portland area.

To find a professional appraiser, contact the Certified Appraisers Guild of America, the International Society of Appraisers, the American Society of Appraisers or the American Association of Appraisers. Estimates provided for items reviewed in the collectibles column are for "fair market value" only and should not be used for appraisals for insurance or IRS purposes.

If you have a rare, very old and/or unusual item of furniture or home decor you would like considered for inclusion in the column, send a high-quality photo along with measurements and information about the age and condition to:
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Collectibles/Homes & Gardens
The Oregonian
1320 S.W. Broadway
Portland, OR 97201

Please include your name and town, along with contact information; phone number or email address. Contact information will not be published.


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